Monday, August 11, 2014

Goals for the Week

Welcome to A Quiet Country Life!  I'm SO glad you're here!  I'm going to jump right in with goals for the week.  If you stick around, I'll do my best to introduce us and our way of life over the next couple weeks.

These are the things I plan to accomplish this week:

We lost our peach crop this year to a late frost,
but there was a good sale on Palisade peaches.
Make a dinner menu to use items on hand in a way that is tasty.

Try new recipe for homemade sandwich pockets.

Make peach jam.

Go through hand-me-down clothes given to Daughter and put together back-to-school wardrobe.

Help choose songs for Daughter's piano recital.

Complete final preparations for back-to-(home)school.

Write a love note to Husband.

Do more mowing as weather permits.  If it's too wet to mow, trim low branches on trees.

Shear Angora rabbits.

Clean up area behind the barn.

Exercise three times.  (It is a start!)

Drink two quarts of water daily, at least five days.

Get at least seven hours sleep each night.

Alter some clothing as needed.

Make one thing for an upcoming birthday party.

Improve organization of craft/sewing area.

Write in prayer journal.

Give something away.

Read Raising Great Kids by Henry Cloud.

What are your goals this week?


  1. Yay! I am so glad you are back to blogging.
    I like your goals for the week, the one to write a love note to your husband is especially sweet.
    I have been following flylady loosely and found it to be helpful.
    My goals this week:
    Drink 64 oz, water every day
    Contiinue to bless my home by cleaning and caring for it
    Create a menu
    Begin and write daily in a control/household/financial/irganizational journal

    Love and God bless,

    1. Helen, you are my cheer-leader and friend, always! Little steps turn into big accomplishments - I'm cheering for you too!

  2. I am so glad you are back!

    My goal is to get everything done and packed to leave for the lake house on Wednesday and then chill out for the rest of the week!

    1. That sounds like an awesome goal - enjoy chillin' at the lake, Miss Lana!


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